Closing liturgy at the 2004 national conference

These poems by the poet Gilo formed part of our closing liturgy at the 2004 national conference:

May we walk the way the saints do
Free and faltering and fresh

May we walk in our own two shoes
Imagining how others walk in theirs

May we walk in touch with the earth
Learning how not to bruise the body

May we walk the path of compassion
Willing to be sidetracked by a cry for help

May we walk in search of the Unknown
Whose name we stumble upon in the fog

May we walk with blessing where we go
Striving with each step to mean amen

Holy be the ground beneath
Such a mud as angels play in

Holy be the air around
This rich invisibility of life

Holy be the bones within
These few frail sticks

Holy be body and spirit
Bursting to the brim with story

Holy be possibility
Pregnant everywhere

Holy be God
A small word for such largesse

Holy be Christ
Such a one as dies to Self

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