23 The Religion of Ordinary Life (Parts 4-5)


How essential is the idea of ‘God’ to living a good / moral life?

Show students the Noachide Code, e.g. from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Laws_of_Noah or http://asknoah.org

Explain that, according to Judaism, Jews should keep the 613 commandments of the Torah [the first five books of the Bible], but for non-Jews the expectation is that they should observe just the seven Noachide laws. Provide some time for reading and reflection.


Show students the trailer for the film ‘Noah’ explaining that the director, Darren Aronofsky, was inspired but not limited by the account of the Great Flood in the Bible (Genesis 6-9):


Explain that the Code is known as ‘Noachide’ because the final version, with the addition of the 7th law was said to have come into being after the Flood.

Ask the students to respond to such questions as:

Show students parts 4 and 5 of Don Cupitt’s ‘The Religion of Ordinary Life’ [www.doncupitt.com/ordinary-life]* on ‘Faith in Life’ and ‘Solar Living’.


Provide some time for reading and reflection.

Ask the students to respond to such questions as:


Encourage the students to sum up their reflections on how essential they think the idea of ‘God’ is to living a good / moral life.

A printable (pdf) version of this text can be found here.

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